Wednesday, July 1, 2009

You'd think it'd be easy to find a container. . .

. . .Like this.

I bought two of these plastic-with-a-screw-top-lid jars at walmart about a year ago. They are no longer in existence. I've been to three different walmarts (even talked to an employee), Kroger, Meijer, Hobby Lobby, Michael's, two different dollar stores and COUNTLESS sites including craig's list, eBay, and the Container Store.

None to be had.

So, okay whatever. . .I just need 6 identical jars similar to the above for my scrapbooking/card making ribbon

(here's about a tenth of it)

to take the alloted ribbon space on my shelf.

See. . .there's a place for ink and paint, (btw, those plastic jars are nice but not tall enough for my ribbon needs)

. .. .and a place for buttons and dew drops.
I can't believe looking for a uniform look for my ribbon is so difficult. I mean, without paying like $7 per container! Oh, sure, I can find very nice glass jars almost anywhere that would look fantastic! Money, however, *IS* an object, so the search much continue. . .


Controlling My Chaos said...

Sorry, I can't help you with that container dilemma, but DANG GIRL, you have some cool supplies. I want to come scrap at your house.

Jennifer said...

Girl, you can come by ANY time!

Things that make me smile

Things that make me smile